3M is responding to the rapidly changing COVID-19 outbreak by providing supplies where they are needed the most. Around the world, we are working with healthcare customers, government and medical officials to help provide critical products.

We are also supporting healthcare professionals working on the frontline of the pandemic by ensuring they have access to useful resources that can help solve some of their needs during this challenging time, especially when in-person access to 3M representatives is limited. This includes the safe use of personal protective equipment (PPE), reducing the risk of secondary complications and reducing the risk of contamination.

Please visit our dedicated page to find the latest resources: https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/Medical-GB/coronavirus/

English https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/Medical-GB/coronavirus/
Italian https://www.3mitalia.it/3M/it_IT/Medical-IT/coronavirus/
German https://www.3mdeutschland.de/3M/de_DE/Medical-DE/coronavirus/
French https://www.3mfrance.fr/3M/fr_FR/Medical-FR/coronavirus/
Spanish https://www.3m.com.es/3M/es_ES/Salud-WE/coronavirus/