
On 15 February of each year, we celebrate the European Perioperative Nursing Day (EPND). The aim of this day is to encourage reflection and focus not only on the quality and a high level of provided care but also on the human dimension of our profession.

Click here to discover all the pictures from the celebration!

Spread the word on European Perioperative Nursing Day!

The #EPND2024 theme is “Proud OR Nurses – our future”. EORNA invites OR nurses and friends to use this day to highlight the contributions of operating nurses and the role of education in the high level of care provided by our profession.

Give us your thoughts on social media and help create a buzz:

  • Mark the date: 15 February 2024, is #EPND2024
  • Use the official hashtag #EPND2024
  • Share your message about #EPND2024 with the images provided soon in our media kit below
  • Tag EORNA in your posts (Twitter @EORNA_Nurses / Facebook @EuropeanOperatingRoomNursesAssociation) 

Happy sharing!

Social Media

Click on the social media image options listed below to access the full-sized image and save it to your device. Each social media image is perfectly sized for sharing on Facebook and Twitter.

Mark your calendars for #EPND2024
Share your message about #EPND2024 with the images provided
Use the Official Hashtag #EPND2024

Download: Twitter 1024×5122 Pixel, 259 kB (PNG)


Download: Facebook 1200×6282 Pixel, 358 kB (PNG)

Download: Website 1920×300 Pixel, 45 kB (PNG):

Download: Website 468×60 Pixel, 10 kB (PNG):

Download: Newsletter 600×200 Pixel, 111 kB (PNG)

Copyrights: The digital images above come from the Image Bank of Barcelona Official College of Nursing (COIB) – Banc d’Imatges Infermeres col.legi oficial d’infermers i infermeres de Barcelona (COIB) – The photographs were taken by Ariadna Creus and Àngel García.

When using the pictures above, please make sure to acknowledge authors and the source of an image by placing the image credits adjacent to the photo which usually means below it or positioned somewhere along one edge. The image credit must be noticeable, readable and please use the text as follows: ©Ariadna Creus and Àngel García – Bank of images property of Col.legi Oficial d’Infermers i infermeres de Barcelona (COIB).

Past editions:


>> Media kit

>> Celebrations around the world


>> Media kit

>> Celebrations around the world


>> Media kit

>> Celebrations around the world

Don’t forget to follow EORNA on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to date.