News from our Sponsor Stryker. Read there recent study on the comparisons of waste disposal impact of the Neptune 3 and traditional canister devices.

Click here to read the Neptune 3 GREEN Study.

News from UNAIBODE (Union Nationale des Associations d’Infirmier(ère)s de Bloc Opératoire Diplômé(e)s d’Etat)

Click here to read the latest news of UNAIBODE.

ESNO Members Update (European Specialist Nurses Organisation)

Click here to read all the news and projects of ESNO

As part of the EPND2023 celebrations, EORNA sponsor Ansell hosted a webinar on how healthcare workers can better manage occupational dermatitis. The webinar, led by Dr. Houle of CHU de Quebec, was run twice, once in English and again in French.
If you couldn’t catch the webinar live, don’t worry, as Ansell has made the English recording available to all EORNA members.
Click here to view the webinar.

There’s also a handy downloadable pdf which explains the contributing factors to dermatitis and outlines simple preventative practices to overcome the disease. Download it here.

MYORCO – Newsletter – Winter 2022 Edition

MYORCO is an Erasmus Plus project, which creates educational videos related to perioperative nursing practices. The videos can be found from a multilingual platform after the project is finished in August 2023. The target of MYORCO is to enable OR nurses and students training the important competencies anywhere and at any time in an autonomous manner.

Click here to read the Newsletter.

IPNA (Israeli Perioperative Nurses Association)  Newsletter Contribution for December 2022

Click here to read all the news of IPNA

IBODE (Infirmiers de Bloc Opératoire Diplômés d’Etat) Newsletter Contribution for December 2022

Click here to read all the news of IBODE

CZORNA (Czech Operating Room Nurses Association) Newsletter Contribution for December 2022

Click here to read all the news of CZORNA

AESOP (Portuguese Association of Surgical Nurses) Newsletter Contribution for December 2022

Click here to read all the news of AESOP

AAEQ (Asociación Española de Enfermería Quirúrgica) Newsletter Contribution for December 2022

Click here to read all the news of AAEQ

ESNO Members Update (European Specialist Nurses Organisation)

Click here to read all the news and projects of ESNO

MYORCO – Newsletter – Summer 2022 Edition

MYORCO is an Erasmus Plus project, which creates educational videos related to perioperative nursing practices. The videos can be found from a multilingual platform after the project is finished in August 2023. The target of MYORCO is to enable OR nurses and students training the important competencies anywhere and at any time in an autonomous manner.

Click here to read the Newsletter.

On September 17, the World Patient Safety Day takes place. Help us promoting the day and download the IFPN poster.

World Patient Safety Day Poster- V2_1709

With more than 1.100 attendees form over 41 countries, the EORNA Congress 2019 was a huge success.

Opening Ceremony, The Netherlands

Please have a look on our Photo wall here.

We also would like to inform you about the best poster The workflow of the gastric bypass patient in the operating room by Camilla Hoastrup from Denmark and the best oral presentation Australia’s greatest invention on the move with ACORN done by Paula Foran from Australia.

The national congress of our Portuguese member AESOP took place from April 4-5 and the EORNA treasurer was highly involved in the organisation.

EORNA was represented at AORN and our Congress got promoted too.

The national Congresses of our member associations A.E.E.Q. – Spain and SIGOP/SIDOPS – Switerland, took place this month. The EORNA president May Karam was invited as honorary member.

Angel Ruiz, Rocio Cabezudo and May Karam


Angel Ruiz and Rocio Cabezudo

Christine Robin

Christine Robin


Healthy Work Places

On March 5 and 6, Healthy Workplaces celebrated its 10th anniversary of the Campaign partnership scheme and invited longterm partners to their Healthy Workplaces Campaign Partner event in Brussels.

Maria Louriero from our member association VVOV represented EORNA. We are looking forward to continuing our partnership.

Over 400 participants over the world participated in the survey on a new symbol concept for multi-layer sterile packaging of medical devices.

The Sterile Barrier Association and Fraunhofer Institute will release a detailed report soon.

After 32 years, Christine Robin, the current president of our member association SIGOP-SIDOPS, will stop her activies this year. Thank you Christine for your engagement!

EORNA President May Karam is guest of honour at the annual Congress of our member association SIGOP-SIDOPS. If you want to participate in the Congress, have a look at the programme here.

French speaking nurses needed!

Dans le cadre de son mémoire, une étudiante en psychologie, Astride Rigot, aurait besoin de votre aide pour mener à bien une étude portant sur le stress des infirmièr(e)s au bloc opératoire.

Ceci est un questionnaire adressé spécifiquement aux infirmier(e)s instrumentistes diplômés ou autres infirmières du bloc opératoire.

Il est accessible via le lien direct :
ou via le site web :

Our member association from Iceland celebrated its 100 anniversary. Happy Birthday ISORNA!!

On February 15, 2019, the European Perioperative Nurses Day took place. Find out what has been done in the different countries different here

Our Danish member association FSOP has a new logo and an new name! Have a look:

Last year our Finnish member association from FORNA celebrated its 30th anniversary. During their Annual General Meeting, Jaana Perttunen was elected to continue as the President of FORNA. She is also the chair of the Scientific Committee of the EORNA Congress 2019 in The Hague.

The President of the Finnish Parliament Paula Risikko (right) with the President of FORNA Jaana Perttunen

The first EORNA newsletter will be sent out in March. Sign in here and stay updated