EORNA 2022 Abstract Submission Open

When: 2021.April.1 – 2021.August.20 all-day

The #EORNA2022 abstract submission system is now open! The Scientific Committee invites nurses and researchers worldwide to submit an abstract for the EORNA Congress 2022. Abstracts must be submitted in English and should fall under…

EORNA 2021 Abstract Submission Deadline

When: 2021.March.5 – 2021.March.31 all-day

The Scientific Committee invites nurses and researchers worldwide to submit their abstracts here! The categories are as follows: Scientific research Perioperative/clinical practice Education Leadership/Management Patient safety Healthy workplaces Abstract Submission Guidelines Please adhere to the…

ERAS® and COVID-19

When: 2021.February.27 @ 12:00 – 13:30
Where: Online

You are invited to join this free seminar on ERAS® during COVID-19, hosted by ERAS® Society and sponsored by 3M. Learn more about the role and delivery of ERAS® during the pandemic and considerations for surgical…

EORNA Congress 2022

When: 2022.May.12 – 2022.May.15 all-day
Where: Stavanger, Norway

On behalf of EORNA and its Organising Committee, it is a great pleasure for us to invite you to attend the 10th biennial congress of the European Operating Room Nurses Association. The congress will be…